Guarda strive to develop and make the best fireproof safe that helps consumers protect what matters most. Fireproof safes are extremely useful in protecting important documents and valuables against damages when there is a fire. It also helps to keep things organized as well as allow one to escape in the first instant with a peace of mind that their items are safe. However, fireproof safe is like an insurance policy, you would never want to make a claim, so we also emphasise the importance of fire safety and we take lead into letting our employees understand this. Guarda provide fire drill and basic fire fighting training for all employees every 6 months. Recently at the end of April, we had just conducted one of this training sessions in our manufacturing facility in Guangzhou.
Our fire drill was conducted with assistance from the local fire department and we are truly thankful for them to take the time to come to our manufacturing facility to provide training to our employees. The drill began with an unannounced fire alarm going off. Workers were confused at first but their previous drill training kicked in and followed the instructions of our volunteer emergency response personnel and exited the buildings in an orderly manner. Roll calls were made and a successful drill was conducted with some improvements that were called out by the local fire department.
The local fire department then provided a short training session about fire safety, not just at work but also at home. They demonstrated some simple tips on what to do if they see a small fire at home or in the kitchen. Then the session went onto some practical training in the use of fire fighting equipment including the fire extinguisher. Our employees were taught on how to use a fire extinguisher in the event of a small fire and in the event that a fire becomes too big, escaping in the first instant is a priority. Employees got to try out in extinguishing flames with the fire extinguisher and we hope that these training, although we hope will never be put to use, but when the situation arises, they are equipped to react.
The fire drill training session provided a regular update and practice on how to react if a fire did happen at the manufacturing facilities. More importantly, the local fire department assistance provided training on how to prevent a fire from happening in the first place and the steps to work safely. A fireproof safe provides the protection to your physical valuables and belongings so that you can worry about protecting you and your loved ones lives by getting to safety when a fire incident gets out of control. At Guarda Safe, we are a professional supplier of independent tested and certified, quality Fireproof and Waterproof Safe Box and Chest. In our line up, you can find one that can help protect what matters most, whether it is at home, your home office or in the business space and if you got a question, feel free to contact us.
Post time: May-03-2022